What some of your friends might say:
"Everyone drinks heavily at parties so they can relax and hang out."
REALITY: Though many people use alcohol to help loosen them up in social situations, if you'd stop drinking for a second to take a closer look, you'd realize that most people are not drinking heavily. There are only a few people who really get trashed at parties, lose control, embarrass themselves, or endanger their lives.
Solution: Why binge drink? If you are of legal age and in college drinking responsibly can help make social situations more fun but don't risk lives and embarrassment by going too far!
"I'm having as much fun as I can while I'm in college. As soon as I graduate I'll get my act together."
REALITY: If you want to succeed in the real world think about this, your liver and alcoholism don't know when you graduate! Drinking and hangovers can keep you from going to class, studying or even getting involved in carreer oriented clubs or internships that could help you in the future. Your GPA still counts and companies and graduate schools will definitely be looking at it. Is drinking really worth losing out on a great job or opportunity?
Solution: Drinking enough to impede your future is just dumb! Be smart, you are at school for a reason and there is no reason you can't drink responsibly! Try getting a good internship instead of another 6 pack.

"I'm more fun when I drink."
REALITY: Do you like taking care of someone who is throwing up on you, slurring their speech, falling all over the place and keeping you up all night? Believe us, neither do any of the other thousands of college students around the country! There is a big difference between laughing with someone and laughing at someone. Do you really want to be someone's entertainment?
Solution: Don't act the fool! You are not more fun when you are drinking heavily, just more fun to make fun of. Be smart, don't binge drink and you won't end up the butt of everyones jokes.
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